Scotland is a country in the northern part of the United Kingdom. Scottish ancestry has many similarities to English ancestry, including Celtic, Roman, Anglo, and Norman influences.
In the 1600s, the Scottish Kingdom united with the English Kingdom, and in the 1700s they both became part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The Scottish people have three languages: English, Scots, and Gaelic.
Themes of Scotland include kilts, bagpipes, music, opera, ballet, dancing, storytelling, art, architecture, poetry, movies, actor Sean Connery, soccer, rugby, golf, whisky, oatmeal, cheese, wheat, barley, potatoes, hunting, and meat eating.
You will never know a man until you do business with him.
Don’t be penny wise and pound (dollar) foolish.
Be a friend to yourself, and others will.
Better to bend than to break.
Better to be ill spoken of by one before all than by all before one.
Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead.
Every man’s tale is good till another’s be told.
Confessed faults are half mended.
Many a good tale is spoiled in the telling.
Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower in changing him.
A good diet cures more than doctors.
Self-assurance is two thirds of success.