Russian ProverbsA hammer breaks glass, but also forms steel. Everything cannot be hung on one nail. Trust, but verify. Everyone has his own Czar (Emperor) in his head. Every road has two directions. If you are going to do something carelessly, it is better to give it up entirely. There is no shame in not knowing—the shame lies in not finding out Each day learns from the one before it, but no day teaches the one after it. One day before you is better than ten years behind you. If the child does not cry, the mother won’t know what it wants. Have a good time if you want—but don’t overdo it. It is easier to bear a child once a year than to shave everyday. Asking is no sin, and being refused is no tragedy. Custom is stronger than law. A person never gets tired working for himself. Do not spit into the well that you might need to drink out of. Running away is not glorious, but often very healthy. You can get used to anything—even hell. Lie, but don’t overdo it. Friendship is one thing, and tobacco (business) is another. Many people who have gold in the house are looking for copper outside. Some people are masters of money, and some people are slaves of it. |
Russia is located in Eastern Europe and in Asia. It is the world’s largest country in land area, and the seventh largest in population (145 million). Russia’s environmental characteristics vary greatly throughout the country, but much of it is filled with mountains and rivers. Although there are about 70 different ethnicities in Russia, the vast majority of its population has Russian ethnicity. Russia has had many influences and groups living and sometime ruling it, including various nomadic groups (700s BC-500s AD), and the Mongols (1200s-1300s). By the 1500s, Russia began expanding under leaders such as Ivan IV (the first Czar/Emperor of Russia), Peter I, and Catherine II. After battling off Napoleon in the early 1800s and taking some of his territory, Russia later added many other territories such as Armenia and Georgia. Russia continued to advance their domain, and after World War I, a new Soviet government emerged, which formed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (a.k.a. the Soviet Union or the USSR) several years later. By 1991, the USSR was split apart, and many of its republics were granted independence. About three-fourths of current Russians live in urban areas, primarily in the Western section of Russia that is located in Europe. Some themes of Russia include theatre, ballet, museums, literature, poetry, architecture, movies, machine building, textiles, lumber, iron, coal, cold winters, black market goods, ice hockey, volleyball, wrestling, boxing, weightlifting, and chess. |