Ecuadorian ProverbsThe pot that belongs to many is stirred poorly and boiled even worse. Hands that give also receive. Every secret is eventually revealed. |
Ecuador borders the Pacific Ocean, and is named after the Equator line due to the country’s location. Ecuador contains parts of the Amazon River and Andes Mountains. It is also home to Cotopaxi, the world’s highest active volcano. Ecuador was conquered by the Incas in the 1400s and the Spaniards in the 1500s, who put it under the control of Peru. It gained independence from Spain in the 1800s. Most Ecuadorians have Native American (the majority of which are Quechua) and/or Spanish ancestry, although many distinct ethnic groups exist there. Ecuadorian themes include Christianity, religious festivals (particularly baptism), quinceaneras (“sweet 15” celebrations for girls), the Carnival festival, ponchos, sandals, fanesca (a popular soup), chili sauce, arts & crafts, soccer, cockfighting, music, dancing, beauty contests, and a strong emphasis on family. |